Liiu 12.16


Regular price €1.972,68

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Liiu is a modular lighting sculpture that uses balance and weightlessness
construct an adjustable composition for any setting. Luminous LEDs are
into a slender stainless steel structure, creating a pattern that transforms
as you move around it. Like a willow tree in the breeze, the light curtain
mesmerizes in its 
simultaneous presence and ephemerality.  

Easily create a unique space with the Fixed version by starting with one set or
more, or collaborate with us to craft a one-of-a-kind installation with a Custom-
made version.

Fixed Version

The Fixed version of Liiu comes in several models, allowing you to easily expand
your installation by placing multiple sets side by side. This option is ideal for
those seeking simplicity and the ability to create larger installations. While the
lighting figures will remain separate, the Fixed version offers a seamless
integration of captivating illumination into your space.

Liiu 12.16 consists of 12 lines and 16 elements. 

Cable length: standard cables measuring 1.30 meters are provided, suitable for ceilings
up to 3 meters high. Different cable lengths are available upon request.  

Custom-made Version

The modular Liiu system allows us to curate a bespoke lighting masterpiece by
tailoring the length, height, width, and frequency of lighting elements. Begin with
2 opposite electrical terminals and expand to your liking. This version is perfect
for those who desire a personalized touch.

Explore our customized installations here

Contact our office to begin customizing your unique installation



Technical sheet

Contact our office

Production time: 4-8 weeks

Technical Image Liiu 12.16